
Short Description of Total All Features of Nokia Treasure Tags And its Price in America
Nokia Treasure Tags Features

Don't make me let you know that the acknowledgment amidst the market that you've overlooked your keys at home is a repulsive feeling. Since it is. In the event that you're an unfortunate kind who are inclined to misfortunes like these, maybe Nokia can help you. 

It has affirmed another adornment called Treasure Tag that appends to your keys, or wallets, or whatever to remind that you're disregarding something dear. 

Nokia Treasure Tags join with your telephone through NFC or Bluetooth. It is fueled by a replaceable coin cell. Nokia Treasure Tags will be accessible in a plenty of colours (since it is made by Nokia). Each one telephone can get matched with up to four tags. 

On the off chance that you and your telephone get too a long way from the Tag, both of them will radiate a noisy beep to remind you that fortunes is on your side. 

Don't claim a Windows Phone? You don't have to. The applications which combine with the adornment are accessible on ios and Android so you can utilize it regardless of the fact that you don't possess a Windows Phone. 

Concerning the Microsoft party, just Lumias with the Black upgrade introduced are welcome. 

unnamed2 Nokia Announces Treasure Tags so You Don't Forget Your Possessions at Home 
Minimum Price of Nokia Treasure tag In Caneda , Price in America, Price in United Kingdom, Price in Poland
All Colors of Nokia Treasure Tag

Cost? $30 for a solitary tag. That is the thing that you call soak and not-so-sensible since this thing measures only 30 x 30 x 10mm in size. I can purchase an expansive heap of sticky notes for that cash and use them for whatever remains of my existence no sweat. 

Anyway on the other hand, which application sets with sticky notes which, in the same way that you are considering, are inclined to disbanding you at will? 

The $30 computerized, alarming sticky note-partner will be accessible in April.

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